What’s your pleasure? I’m between D2, Hitman, Gears 5, and MGSV l #xbox #xonex #videogames #xboxgames #boredathome View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/B_lRlwhjAw1/
6 months before I moved to SF. l #tbt #2000 #selfie #homo #gaydude #babyhomo View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/B_WcAPvDtPY/
Today is National Bulldog day. Daisy can’t be bothered. She’s enjoying a good nap before daddy gets home. l #daisymae #bulldogs #dogslife #nationalbulldogday #bullies #SF View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/B_QSgzGjJOw/
My Facebook profile pic. Cam ya tell I’m bored? l #covid19 #covidlife #socialdistance #imisspeople #imissthegym #stayhome #wewillgetthruthis View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/B_QQd8ZjOUN/
Throwback to a day when I was feeling strong. Shit I miss the gym. Not just for the physica,l but stripping away the mental stresses of life. l #goodday #goodworkout #gymtime #missingthegym #hairy #hairydude #scruffy #scruffyhomo #scruffygays #beard #strong #selfie #bathroomselfie View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/B-2wMWnDcuw/
Come on hoo-man! It’s time to feed me! l #daisymae #rescuedog #rescuedogsofinstagram #bullies #bulldogs #SF #feedingtime View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/B-uWy3WDkQo/
Good lawd, my legs need some sun! But until the crisis is over, unlikely to get enough to tan. Safety first! l #staysafe #covid19 #indoors #stayhome #videogames #ps4 #mgsv #hairylegs #scruffy #scruffyhomo View on Instagram https://ift.tt/2vSjFMp
In this time when folks are worried and fearful, these little pokes of humor are uplifting. Don’t forget your local businesses. If you can reach out to help them, please do so. l #rooster&rice #covid19 #dontpanic #humor #castro #localbusiness #togetherwearestronger #werk #henney View on Instagram https://ift.tt/2UpzPVF
Back at it after a week off for a chest cold. l #workout #gymselfie #bathroomselfie #pecs #abssomedaymaybe #deathToDadBod #fit #fitness #scruffy #scruffyhomo #scruffymen #gaybeard #hairydude View on Instagram https://ift.tt/2IGMbDv