Bacl Flex Considering the state of my back, I’m happy to see some results. Small but gradual. I’ll take it. l#backday #workout #scruffyhomo #over50 #wp
Looky looky what I got. Four years of mandatory overtime certainly helped. Go see Eric and Tony at @sfmoto if you’re in the market.
My Precious! My precious! Lol. The end of Destiny 2 was a kick in the pants. I actually got teary-eyed.
That time again l #polycythemiavera #thickblood #therapueticblooddraw #bloodbankofthepacific #SF That time again l #wp #polycythemiavera #thickblood #therapueticblooddraw #bloodbankofthepacific #SF via Instagram
My little princess last night. Always has to curl up next to me. l #daisymae #rescuedogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #bullies #bulldogs #SF View on Instagram