I am not a big fan of clothes shopping. So much so that I often go for months (sometimes years) without shopping for myself. I’ll go at the drop of hat for someone else, aka Shawn, but not for myself. I don’t think I got that part of the gay gene. hehehe…

I’m not big on NY resolutions anymore as it seems a bit contrived and so few people really follow thru anyway. I do; however, try on an ongoing basis to improve myself. Looking forward this year, I think one of my goals will be less time on social media.…

Just realized I have over 200 followers on instagram. I know that’s paltry for most, but considering I’ve only recently started using it in earnest, I’m a wee bit surprised. Who knew?

‘No ma’am, losing the ticket doesn’t mean you can just not show up to court.’…’yes ma’am, they will still arrest you.’ lol smh

For everyone who wants to be involved with their local SF police, here are the monthly meeting assignments by district. Don’t complain about the problems and do nothing. Get involved. 

Central – 3rd Thursday 6:00 PM 660 Lombard St.
Southern – 2nd Wednesday 6:00 PM 510 7th Street
Bayview – 1st Tuesday 6:00 PM 201 William St.
Mission – Last Tuesday 6:00 PM 630 Valencia St.
Northern – 2nd Thursday 6:00 PM 1125 Fillmore St.
Park – 2nd Tuesday 6:00 PM 1899 Waller St.
Richmond – 3rd Tuesday Call for lcation 415-666-8000
Ingleside – 3rd Tuesday 7:00 PM 1 Sgt. John V. Young Lane
Taraval – 3rd Tuesday 7:00 PM 2345 – 24th Avenue
Tenderloin – 2nd Tuesday 6:00 PM 301 Eddy St.

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